Nowoczesne Gospodarstwo Rolne

Nature-friendly agrotechnology

We are aware that our agricultural activity affects the condition of the natural resources available, which is why we are doing everything we can to protect them and ensure their sustainability. This is only right step to take in the face of the population and climate challenges we will be facing for decades to come. By applying good agricultural practices and precision farming solutions, we have the chance to prove that efficiency does not have to go hand in hand with an unthinking attitude towards the environment. 

Soil protection

Intensive agricultural production requires decisive actions to restore the soil’s condition, which is why we focus on a good agricultural culture aimed at restoring organic matter in the soil, preventing physical transformations of the soil profile and erosion. Practices such as stubble intercrop, crop rotation and leaving straw in the field allow us to combine these effects with the replenishment of important macro- and microelements in the soil. The phenomenon of erosion is further reduced by maintaining an efficient drainage system, making holes in fields intended for potato growing and using winter crops. This is also an effective way to accumulate water and increase its availability during the growing season. For this to happen, we carry out a number of activities to prevent physical transformation of the soil. We combine field work, limiting the time heavy machinery spends in the field. We use appropriate tires and, depending on the task, we adjust the tire pressure. In situations where decisive action is required, we carry out subsoiling. A large part of wheat and rape is cultivated with the use of no-till technology. We are experimenting with strip-till in rape and no-till in potato growing. We try to follow the latest trends in cultivation by analyzing their suitability for our soil cultivation philosophy.

Saving water

Without water, food production would be impossible. This is all the more reason why the awareness of limited water availability obliges us to be responsible in managing water resources. This is why we only water potato plantations, reacting only when a water shortage threatens the success of the crop. Above all, we focus on good agricultural practices for the accumulation of precipitation in the soil. The irrigation procedure is based on a computerized decision support system which suggests the right time to react, based on soil moisture measurement and monitoring of the hydrological situation in the field. Determining the right moment to irrigate as well as the right dose is essential to optimize water use. We are also testing new technologies, looking for better and more efficient alternatives to currently used watering methods.

Caring for local ecosystem

Our neighborhood includes numerous and valuable natural habitats and elements of the Natura 2000 area, belonging to Slowinski National Park  and Slupia River Valley Landscape Park. Having regard for the unique location of the farm, we are constantly reviewing our operations in order to maintain local biodiversity and limit their impact on different elements of the ecosystem. Hence our focus on good agricultural practices aimed at the optimal management of environmental resources and restoration of nature. We are Bee-Friendly. We support local apiculture and adapt our agrotechnology to the rhythm of bees. This is our own project and a constant motivation to be even more attentive in the use of mineral fertilizers, plant protection products, as well as to optimize the working time of machinery in the field. We are aware that every disruption in the interconnected system of the biosphere also affects us. 

Clean Air

We are aware of how big an impact our agricultural activities have on air quality. Therefore, in order to reduce the emission of pollutants, we carry out regular monitoring of potential hazards at each stage of production. We rely on energy-efficient equipment and optimize fuel consumption as well as the time machines spend in the field. In this way, we reduce carbon dioxide emissions and reduce the demand for electricity to the absolutely necessary minimum. Modern equipment also allows us to reduce dust both during fertilizer spreading and grain cleaning and drying process. 

Responsible waste management

We are aware of the generation of less as well as more harmful waste hazardous for the environment and human health, therefore we manage it in the most professional way. Toxic waste is registered and stored with limited access for unauthorized persons. It is disposed of off-site by specialized recycling companies. We separate other waste according to the requirements specified by its receiver. Above all, we focus on reducing the amount of waste we produce, taking this into account as early as at the production planning stage.