Nowoczesne Gospodarstwo Rolne

Privacy Policy

General information

The aim of the website Farm Frites Poland Dwa Sp. z o.o. is to provide you with information about the company. Using this website means you agree to following terms and conditions. In case of disagreement on it, please do not use the service. Information contained on the website may be changed at any time without prior notice.


Technical Requirements and Security
To view the page Internet Explorer version 7 or higher or Mozilla Firefox is required. Additional requirements are Flash Player (if not present it will be installed automatically on your computer) and Adobe Reader or other software that can view files in PDF format.

The site is located on a secure web server. Farm Frites Poland Dwa Sp. z o.o. ensures that virus protection is carried out with due diligence and used antivirus programs are up-to-date. However, taking the necessary precautions and protecting themselves against a possible presence of computer viruses and any other threats of destructive nature, belongs to the site user.


Exclusion of Warranties and Liability
The company is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of the site or inability to use materials on this website.
In addition, the company does not warrant or assume any responsibility for any other website to which access was obtained from the site. This type of connections / links are meant only as a convenience for the user and it does not mean Farm Frites Poland Dwa Sp. z o.o. accepts responsibility for their content and use.


The content of the website, including trademarks, are protected by the Polish law. The site is intended solely for private use, which means that the user has no right to store, reproduce by any technique, reuse or republish or otherwise process the materials posted without written permission from Farm Frites Poland Dwa Sp. z o.o.


Privacy Policy
Farm Frites Poland Dwa Sp. z o.o. does not collect personal data transmitted via the website or sent by e-mail. The company also does not provide personal information to any other party. However, users should be aware that it is not possible to completely guarantee the security of personal data on the Internet.


In case of technical problems or questions regarding the site, please contact

Farm Frites Poland Dwa Sp. z o.o., Bobrowniki 19, 76-231 Damnica, tel. +48 59 811 32 15,

e-mail: 19, 76-231 Damnica