Nowoczesne Gospodarstwo Rolne

Social integration

What we do, we do well. What we do well, we can always do better. Together”. Together, because it is the man behind our success.  An employee whose commitment determines our joint development. A partner with whom we can cooperate for mutual benefits. And a neighbor whose approval gives a sense of community. Good relations with the environment are invariably our best investment. 

Friendly workspace

We are committed to building relationships with our employees on a solid foundation of mutual trust. Therefore, we continually work on the quality standards of our farm to ensure that it remains a safe, friendly and fulfilling place to work. We provide our staff with constant access to new technologies and professional education, thus creating opportunities for them to develop their skills and specialization. We also do our best to respond to the needs of our employees, not only in professional, but also in personal terms. We arrange preventive health checks and vaccinations for them and enable them to take advantage of private medical care. We also care for the integration of our team by organizing special events and recreational trips. We are glad that such a large part of the team has been professionally active with us for so many years.

Close to people

We run our agricultural business responsibly, respecting the law and good manners in our relations with the local community. We are aware of our impact on the environment, therefore we want it to become a beneficiary of the benefits resulting from the operation of our farm. We take care to be close to the inhabitants of our village and get involved in its development. We willingly engage in co-financing infrastructure investments, sports, cultural and educational events, as well as in activating the local labor market. We want our participation in shaping the common reality to imply a better quality of life for our neighbors.